Author Archives: Louise Savoie


Medical Marijuana and Parkinson’s Disease

The trials when treating Parkinson’s disease with cannabinoids have fruitful results, according to Parkinsons.Org. It has the properties of managing neurological and non-neurological conditions. You must have a Medical Marijuana Card in West Virgin...

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Cannabis Potential for Sickle Cell Anemia

Research has found that cannabis appears to be safe and effective in treating patients with sickle cell disease, according to a clinical trial co-led by the University of California, Irvine researcher Kalpna Gupta and Dr.Donald Abrams of UC San Franc...

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Frequently Asked Questions About Medical Marijuana

If you or someone you know has been looking into medical marijuana lately, you might have accumulated a few questions. You may continue reading to learn the crucial facts about this natural medicine, including its safety, advantages, and efficacy. He...

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What You Need to Know About Medical Marijuana

You’ve probably heard about the alternative treatment known as medical marijuana countless times already. However, if you’re curious about whether this is appropriate for you, it would be wise to get your facts straight from reliable sources. Tha...

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The Fantastic Benefits of Medical Marijuana

Despite the rising popularity of medical marijuana, some medical experts and providers are still wary of its effectiveness and safety of use. However, despite the questions surrounding medical marijuana, it is still a beneficial drug when used respon...

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How Marijuana Provides Relief to People with Cancer

Marijuana has been part of herbal medicine for a long time. The plant has medicinal properties found in its biologically active components, also known as cannabinoids. The commonly used cannabinoids are THC and CBD. Currently, the US Drug Enforcement...

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